Blazor and network status

Making Blazor reusable component for PWA application that reacts to disconnection from the internet.

When building a PWA, which can work offline, it is helpful to know the current status. In Money app we implemented a simplified bag for storing expenses when a user is offline.

Yes, it is true that we can do much better, but it requires a bigger change and kind of synchronization for CQRS, wich is not so easy in my eyes. So simplified offline UI for now.

There is a quite simple online/offline API in javascript. In the rest of this post, I'm going to show you how to consume it from Blazor.


Let's start for the end, here is a typical usage of the resulting component we want build.


        ✅ We are live.
        ❌ Sorry, but the internet is gone.


Razor template for this component is really simple.

@if (IsOnline)

Because it might be usable to have a service that other components can inject to get the information about the network status, most of the "code-behind" for the <Network /> component just consumes the service NetworkState.

public partial class Network : IDisposable
    internal NetworkState State { get; set; }

    public RenderFragment Online { get; set; }

    public RenderFragment Offline { get; set; }

    protected bool IsOnline => State.IsOnline;

    protected override void OnInitialized()

        State.StatusChanged += StateHasChanged;

    public void Dispose()
        State.StatusChanged -= StateHasChanged;

The component class declares parameters, injects the service and subscribes on the status chage event. Also it implements a IDisposable to unsubscribe from the event when removed from the UI.


As we saw in the <Network /> component, the service serves two purposes:

  • Get a current status.
  • Get a notification when the status changes.
public class NetworkState
    public event Action StatusChanged;

    public NetworkState(IJSRuntime jsRuntime)
        => jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("Network.Initialize", DotNetObjectReference.Create(this));

    public void OnStatusChanged(bool isOnline)
        if (IsOnline != isOnline)
            IsOnline = isOnline;

    public bool IsOnline { get; protected set; } = true;

The code is just a C# wrapper around native javascript API. It calls a javascript function in the constructor to bind to javascript events and get the current state. Passing this to the javascript allows it to be called back when there is a change. The function that can be called is OnStatusChanged (marked as [JSInvokable]). It just checks if there is really a change and if it fires the event.

As you will see bellow, this class indirectly binds to javascript events. I'm using this class as a singleton, because it fits well for this kind of a service. If you want other lifecycle (transient or scoped), just implement a IDisposable and call javascript interop to unbind from events.

Javascript (interop)

Lastly, this is the javascript for getting network information.

window.Network = {
    Initialize: function (interop) {
        function handler() {
            interop.invokeMethodAsync("Network.StatusChanged", navigator.onLine);

        window.addEventListener('online', handler);
        window.addEventListener('offline', handler);

        if (!navigator.onLine) {

It's very simple. It declares a function to be called when DOM "online" or "offline" event is fired. This function uses passed .NET object (an object reference holding the instance of the NetworkState), calls its JSInvokable method and passes current network status.

Lastly, it raises the handler if the current status offline (because the NetworkState service optimistically expects we are online - see the last line of the NetworkState).


That's is it. Blazor makes it really easy to create a reusable components and if they serve a single purpose (SRP), you can easily share them between projects.

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Posted on 2019-12-25
Written by Maraf

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